The workshop Status Check Vendor Management supports you if …
- your IT vendor management organization is in the process of being set up or restructured. This can be triggered, for example, by a major outsourcing project in which IT services are outsourced to service providers for the first time or repeatedly.
In these situations, you can use the workshop to identify gaps and weaknesses in your existing organizational concept and plan remedial measures.
- your IT vendor management organization has been established for some time and not everything runs smoothly on a day-to-day basis.
In these situations, you can analyze these weaknesses in the workshop and plan approaches for improvement.
- managing expectations and setting workshop goals
- creation of a common understanding of IT vendor management (definition of terms, content, orientation)
- presentation of the 9PROFITS framework with its nine dimensions that address all aspects of IT vendor management
- status analysis based on the 9PROFITS dimensions:
- each dimension is presented with its contents and design options
- the current implementation in your own organization is analysed in the team
- gaps and weaknesses are identified and prioritized
- a catalogue of measures to close the weaknesses is developed, which assigns a responsible person and a time horizon to each measure
- review of the over-all result and determination of the further course of action
- Firstly slides “IT Vendor Management Fundamentals”.
- Secondly photo protocol of the results.
- Third a catalog of measures.
- Finally a concept for further action.
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